Thursday, February 18, 2010

Second Speed Week

We talked about goal-setting on Tuesday night and then went out for a 5.2km run. The run felt good. I wondered how my legs were going to feel after the long run on the greasy, snow-covered roads. I was happy to know that they were feeling fine, light and energetic. My left psoas is still acting up a bit but it feels much more subdued.

Last night we did week 2 of speed training:
2.5-K warm-up
3 x Yasso 800's / In-line Surges @ 4:20 (2:10) pace
2.5-K cool down
For 9-K total.

It felt great and Sandra joined our pace group to give us a push, which I appreciated. I had a very rough ("ruff") day at work and just wanted the day to be over. I was exhausted. Once we got out there, all that washed away and I was able to burn off steam through my efforts. I was a little ahead of pace for most of our repeats which I was happy about. I felt good and just went with it. And boy, do I ever feel this speed work in my butt!
"The goal is not to be better than the other man, but to be better than your previous self."
~ Sprichwort der Hindus

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