Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Run Yoga Sled

Started this morning before the sun rose. Ate my obligatory oatmeal -- I will not rise without that to look forward to -- and headed out the door for a 12K run. Mileage is a down a tad this week as we are approaching the final weeks of training for the Chilly Half Marathon. I logged 10K yesterday morning in -31C temperatures. Today was a much more humane -10C. However, everyone felt a little heavy and draggy. I chalked it up to a sugar hangover, as I indulged in a piece of birthday cake at an 8 year old's party yesterday. Sugar shock. All this clean eating and the poor bod didn't know what hit it. But I Attended Yoga for Runners just after our run this morning and the instructor (a 2 x Olympian) explained to us that the body really is affected by such drastic changes in temperatures. In the depth of winter, we don't acknowledge 20 degree changes. Cold is cold. But a 20 degree change in temperature would throw us for a loop in the summer -- so in winter, why not? It just gives you something else to factor in.

Today was lovely. A 12K run, followed by an hours worth of yoga, followed by a delicious latte and omelette and then an hour or so of dog-sledding. Frannie (a dog) made me extremely proud of her prowess as a single-leader. Not an easy task for a sled-dog, running single lead. But she has taken very naturally to it. Love her!

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